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FILE 9 of 15 - CompuServe Astral Projection Class by Don DeGracia, 1994
Astral Projection Class on CompuServe
by Don DeGracia: 72662,1335
Copyright 1994
None of this material
may be reproduced without
explicit permission from
the author.
C. Exercising psychic powers (continued from FILE 8)
(Here is another example of me astral projecting from a
dream. What is also interesting here was that during this
projection I had an amazing clairvoyant vision. After
the projection, I indeed "woke-up" back in my dream,
unaware that I was dreaming!)
"...My dream involved me, JC and a bunch of other people.
We were all roommates in a big house. I was unaware that I was
dreaming. There was a party going on or something. We were
down in the basement hanging out. However, at some point in
the dream I looked at JC and told him I'd be back in a little
bit because I was going to go up to my room and try to project!
I went up to my bedroom in this dream house. Again, at this
point I thought everything was normal and had no idea I was dreaming.
I laid down on my bed and started concentrating to leave just
exactly like I always do on the physical plane. However, when
I laid down, shut my eyes and began concentrating, the effect was
intensely more dramatic than it is on the physical plane. I got
results almost as soon as I shut my eyes (compared to the 15 to
30 minutes it usually seems to take on the physical plane). Still
I was unaware that I was projecting out of a dream. Instead of
seeing the "stars" (entopic light) filling the darkness behind
my closed eyes, the effect was more like when I'm in the void
during a projection. But, again, at the time I didn't recognize
this, I only remember it now as I write this entry.
Then, practically immediately, imagery began to form. What I saw
looked like a hole forming in the fog. What I thought at the
moment was that a gateway to the astral plane was forming. I laid
there trying to transfer my consciousness from my body into this
gate. The "gate" imagery itself was vivid and well focused,
kind of a blue swirling mist with stars (little pinpoints of
light) blinking on and off in it. After a few moments of
concentration, I was standing at the gate.
I was floating off the ground in what seemed to be a mist
filled cave. There was lots of light to see by, and I was
definitely not in the void. I was standing at the back wall
of this cave facing the entrance which was about 50 feet ahead
of me. Beyond the entrance all I could see was mist. Under
me to my right, was a table with little objects lined up on it.
Also to my right were objects dangling from strings. Behind
me were shelves with objects on them. My first impression of these
thing is that they reminded me of a souvenir stand. I wondered if
I was in some type of store.
I landed on the cave floor, which was also covered in mist. I was
looking about the cave, but I got the feeling of some invisible
presence. It dawned on my to try something new. I thought to
myself, "Try to visually focus in the way you do when you are
hallucinating on acid" (this type of focusing involves a relaxation
of ones vision, an intentional blurring of the normal visual field
and a focusing on the entire visual field as opposed to simply
looking at individual points within this field). I did this and
immediately got dramatic effects. What I saw was incredible. As
the image of the cave blurred, I began to perceive images behind,
or within the cave. The image only lasted for a split second for it was
difficult to maintain, and worse, what I saw startled me so much
that, in sheer surprise, I "dropped" my focus (just like how someone
can drop what they are holding in their hands when they get
sufficiently startled).
What I saw was that now I was standing and looking out over a vast
plateau that seemed to stretch to infinity in all directions. And
on this plateau there was the most inordinate amount of activity
and motion that I had ever seen. What I saw were creatures and
crowds of beings in all directions. And everything had that
electric, neon self-glowing quality about it. Things that I did
not know how to conceptualize were moving about in every direction,
even passing through me! There were herds of things I could
not recognize, and things that looked like swarms flying about.
There was an undescribable dance of colors bathing the sky.
Something as big as a horse seemed to pass right through me!
It seemed that huge beings were battling in front of me. Even
to this day I have never seen anything so incredible and
spectacular. All I could think the moment I had some faint
glimmer of what I was seeing was "Oh my God! This is *the* Astral
Plane!" But like I said, the scene was so overwhelming that I
lost it almost the instant I had some small sense of what
I was seeing.
I was standing back in the mist filled cave wondering what
I had just saw....
(I then went met a monster in the cave, which lunged
at me and caused me to lose my lockmold...)
The shock of its impact was enough to cause my lockmold to
break. I was back on my bed. But I wasn't on the physical plane.
I awoke back on my bed in the dream from which I had started. I
still wasn't in the least bit aware that I was in a dream. At the
moment, I was laying there pissed at myself for letting that
monster scare me out of such a dramatic episode. I decided I was
going to try to leave again. I relaxed and began to concentrate.
Again, a misty hole broke through the darkness behind my closed eyes.
This time the gate was of an amorphorous shape, about 5 feet in
front of me. It looked different than the first one, and was
colored differently too. It was blackish orange with stars in
it - like I was looking into outer space (it looked, as a matter
of fact, like the cover to Carl Sagan's book Cosmos). I tried
to transfer my consciousness into it like I had done before, but
it didn't work. After trying for a few moments, the gate faded
and I thought to myself, "Goddamn that monster got me too worked up!"
I decided I was done for the time being, so I got up out
of bed. I was still in the dream house and still unaware that
I was dreaming. I went looking for some paper to record my
experience. I ended up going back into the basement where everyone
was still hanging out. JC was there and the others and I
told them all about the projection I had just had. Meanwhile,
I was getting very concerned that I couldn't find any paper.
Then I woke up for real, here on the physical plane.
For a moment I was totally disoriented (didn't know where I
was at or what was going on), and then I realized what had
just happened. And so, as is my wont, I recorded it here."
So, there you have it; using psychic powers during astral
projections. This is an extremely dramatic thing to attempt
while you are projecting and I encourage everybody to try
and remeber that you CAN do these kinds of things while
out-of-body. And don't forget, watch for yourself using
psychic powers in your dreams too!
6. Places you can go: Sights and vistas
We are now going to get into the "travel brochure" part
of this presentation. What I will discuss are the places
that you can visit in the OOBE realm. As was stated earlier, the
most useful generalization about the regions of the OOBE state is
the idea that these regions are divided into "rings" (as Monroe
calls them) or "subplanes (as occultists call them). To repeat,
these subplanes form a spectrum that loosely corresponds to the
spectrum of human emotions and states of mind. As human thought
and feeling can range from the most lowly and debased to the most
noble and inspirational, so too is it with the subplanes. Thus, I
will break my description of the OOBE realm down roughly along such
lines. I will break the regions of the subplanes down into three
broad categories: the lowest, the middle and the highest, and
discuss each of these in turn.
I will also discuss two other aspects of the OOBE realm,
and these are 1. the void and 2. what I will call, for lack
of a better term, the "surreal" regions. The surreal regions
are those places that you may find yourself that barely fit
the description of being called a "place". These surreal regions
are often very abstract and tend to be spaces of color, sound
and feeling, though there are others I will describe.
Generally speaking, what I am about to describe are ideas
that are very common in the astral plane literature. What is
amazing to me is that my own experiences in the OOBE state support
quite strongly the common reports of the astral plane (i.e.
see Fox, Monroe, Leadbeater). This could be taken in two ways.
You could say I was highly influenced by other people's reports
of the nature of the astral plane, and thus saw what they described
based on subconscious expectation. Or we could take the fact
that much of my OOBE experience is like what others report to
indicate that the astral world is an (in some sense) "objective"
world complete with its own sights, sounds and inhabitants.
Throughout these notes I tend to go with the latter interpretation, but
that does not preclude the former idea from having some degree of
truth also. Generally, in my explorations of the OOBE realm I
have tried to stay as far away from biasing my interpretations of
my experiences as I could. I have found other people's ideas as
useful *guides* and have never accepted other people's reports
without some degree of scepticism. And, as we shall see below,
I believe I have observed a number of "realms" in the OOBE state
that are not commonly encountered, or have interpreted my
experiences differently than how others have. This is
particularly true with regard to the nature of the "surreal"
regions which I will describe below.
So, the basic idea here is that the astral plane does, to
a large extent, appear to be a common reality that we can all
visit. Subjective factors definately do enter into our
observations in the nonphysical realms. My general advice is
to always be skeptical of what you read and do not blindly
accept what others say. This advice holds even for what I have
written in these notes. Other people's observations are useful
*guides* for your own activity, but, as I keep stressing, the bottom
line is your own personal experience. If a thing works for you
then that is what is important. If you discover that other
people have expereinced what you have, then that is fine.
However, do not make the mistake of trying to mold your
experiences to the reports of others.
So, this all said, let us begin our description of the
OOBE regions by first considering the void.
A. Life in the void
If you will recall, the void is a great dark space that
I often find myself in. Recall that, when we use the
"radio station" theory of consciousness I presented earlier,
the void is like the empty space between radio stations on
the radio dial. Now, it would seem like there isn't
really too much you can say about a great big space of utter
nothingness. In actuality though, being in the void takes
up a great deal of my time during astral projections - some-
times much more than I'd like! I will not dwell at too great
lenghth on what it's like in the void, but I do want to describe
it enough so that if you end up there you will know what to do.
Strangely enough, the void is not simply a homogeneous
dark nothingness. There is actually a subtle type of variety
to the different times I have been in the void. Sometimes it
*is* simply a dark empty space. Other times though there is a
hazy or smoky quality to it. Still other times I seem to see
hazy ghost images of things. In this latter case, I suspect that
I am very close to a subplane and am seeing ghost images of that
subplane. Once I even met a being in the void! It was the only
time I ever saw any kind of creature in the void. I will present
this episode below because, at the very least, it is funny.
The general circumstances in which I find myself in the void
are as follows. I sometimes appear in the void as soon as I
leave my body. I have presented examples of this already. I will
also appear in the void if I lose my lockmold on a subplane
(you will recall that the lockmold is how well you are tuned in
on a subplane). If I lose my lockmold, I usually do not wake up,
but instead appear in the void.
Again, I am presenting these experiences here in case you find
yourself in the void.
(Seeing ghost images in the void.)
"(Had lost my lockmold and)...Then I was flying through the
void. This time, though I was in the darkness of the void, I
could perceive faint, but distinct silhouette images around me,
and it seemed that I was flying through them. I thought to myself
that I must be right on the border of some definite frequency or
plane, not locked well enough to actually be there, but right next
door to it so to speak. I kept flying on, and the silhouettes were
very reminiscent of buildings, cars and city objects. As I flew on,
at one point I got the impression that I had entered the water and
was under the water, though I was still in the void. The
silhouettes reminded me of fishes swimming around. They were not
static images, they were moving too. Even though it seemed like
I was under water, my movement through the void was no different,
but I was afraid to materialize myself for fear of being under
water. The silhouettes were interesting though. Some were of
very large fish, at least 10 feet long. One looked like a shark
and I passed close by it. Another one was a round squat shape
about five feet in diameter. A school of swimming creatures
passed me by. I remember too that when I would look upwards
that I got the same effect that one observes swimming under water
and looking up at the surface. But I kept flying forward and soon
it seemed like I had passed out of the water cause now the
silhouettes I was passing through looked much different, less
organic, like vertical strips. So now I tried to materialize
myself. To materialize I stopped my forward motion and simply
began to spin round and round. Also I began to concentrate on
my hands, trying to lift them up and look at them. Then I began
to see the neatest thing. As my hands began to form and I could
start to see them, the silhouettes around me began to take on
color and form. It was slow at first so I concentrated harder,
and I watched an environment form around me. I was now out of
the void and somewhere. I was standing in a forest, surrounded
by all kinds of plants...."
(A short description of the void.)
"Dream-awoke laying in my old bedroom at Ma's house. I
"flopped" out of my body. Flew downstairs. Flew to front door,
tried to pass through but went into void. Stayed in void for
some time wondering what it is. There were no recognizable
silhouettes, but there were distinct qualities or feelings.
At first the darkness was very "electric." Eventually the void
seemed like a heavy fog. I got the idea to try to look at my
hands. Watched my body and a red tile floor materialize around
me as the fogginess of the void faded away. I was in an empty
room with a red tile floor, it seemed like a small gymnasium or
(Here is when I met a strange creature in the void.)
"...I was in the void. Was floating listlessly, enjoying
then peace and quiet, figuring out what I was going to
do next. I looked off in the darkness before me and
was absolutely amazed at what I saw, for coming towards
me far off in the distance was a creature of some kind!
I was totally startled. I had never seen another being
in the void before! I slowly started to fly towards
the creature, curiously studying it, as it moved towards
me. At first, all I could see was that it was some type
of humanoid, but as I got closer to it I could make out more
detail. It had a human body, but its face resembled
that of a wolf. It had a hairy face, long snout, and
dark eyes. It was wearing an outfit that reminded me of
the Green Goblin from the Spiderman comic books. As it
got closer I could hear it mumbling to itself. I was
about 10 feet in front of it, but it acted as if I was not
there and simply kept mumbling to itself and kept moving
towards me. I asked it what it was doing and, all
of a sudden it was on top of me! The thing grabbed me
and started to carry me off! I couldn't believe it!
I was not scared at all, but suprised. I started to
struggle and was telling it to let me go. I said
"you can't do anything to me, I'm astral projecting!".
It continued to ignore me and simply kept carrying me
through the void. It mumbled something to itself about
"a specimen for the bioleum". I heard this and realized
that this thing intended to make me a specimen in some
kind of museum! I couldn't believe this was happening to
me. I kept yelling at it telling it I was astral projecting
and I could wake up at any moment. It ignored me and kept
carrying me forward. In the excitment of my struggling,
I lost my lockmold and woke up in my physbod.
Upon waking, I felt stupid for acting the way I did.
I should have let it carry me to wherever it was going so
I could have learned where this creature came from. Still,
this was the first time I ever saw a creature of any kind
in the void!"
B. Life on the planes
Let's now go onto the scenic elements of the OOBE realm.
Again, I will divide these up into four major realms: the lower,
the middle (or "normal"), the higher and the surreal realms.
And again, each of these broad realms corresponds to states
of mind and emotion. Let's discuss each of these realms in
i. The Lower Realms
The lower realms of the subplanes are easily identified.
They are often dark as if it is nighttime outside. There is also
an eerie feel to the lower subplanes. They just feel creepy. Often,
it is hard to move on the lower subplanes, similar to being on
the etheric plane, where your movement seems to be retarded and
in slow motion. And of course, you will encounter ghoulish
creatures on these subplanes.
You don't need to fear anything you encounter on these subplanes.
First, it is unlikely you will spend any amount of time on these
subplanes. I always have a bad lockmold on these planes, and
thus, often "fade-out" of these lower subplanes within minutes.
Since they do correspond to the worst of human existance, you'd
have to be pretty evil yourself to be in tune with these subplanes.
Second, it's actually kind of theraputic and eye opening to see these
planes. Part of the goal of overcoming fear means opening up to
the aspects of life revealed by these lower subplanes. By understanding
these kinds of energies you transform them into something better.
If you repress these energies, they only continue to ferment into
something even worse. So, my advice is, if you find yourself
on the lower subplanes, don't be afraid of what you encounter there.
Take it as a learning experience.
Now, if you are on a lower subplane, how to you get out of it?
One trick I learned is the following: fly through the ceiling of
wherever you are at. When you do this, you will go through the
ceiling and come up through the floor of the same room you just
left! But actually, it will not be the exact same room; it will
be the room but on a higher subplane. Do this a few times until
you see light outside and do not feel the heavy, eerie feeling
anymore. You will then be on a higher subplane. This does not
always work, but it does work sometimes, so it's worth giving
it a try.
Your other alternative is to just wait it out. As I said,
it is unlikely, if you are a average, normal person, that you
will be able to keep your lockmold stable on these subplanes for
any extended period of time. If you just wait it out, you will
probably disappear from that subplane within a couple of minutes
anyway. If you choose this option, just explore your environment.
Like I said, and you have to always keep this in mind when you
project, nothing can hurt you when you are out of body. You
are literally indestructible. YOU are the only thing that can
hurt you, and the only way this can happen is by letting your
own fears take you over. If you learn to control your fear,
you will ALWAYS be safe out of body.
This said, let me give a couple examples of what the lower
subplanes are like.
(A typical lower subplane experience.)
"Felt myself wake up on the physical. Tried to remember
my dream but it faded quickly. That made me mad. Plus I hadn't
projected for several days, and that sucked too. I thought "go for
it" and pretended I was jumping out of my body - and I did!
Surprised, I floated in my room for a brief instant and then
faded. At first I thought I was in the void, but then I saw all
kinds of humanoid silhouettes around me. There were all kinds of
them marching like sleep walkers. It was a dark and eerie
environment. I couldn't fly well and I felt like I was zipping
along like a balloon. I shot past a silhouette and it bent out
of my way in a distorted and unnatural manner-like it bent sideways
or something. I tried to look at my hands, but it was very
difficult. Woke up.
This was a very short projection - less than a minute.
I bet I was on the lowest astral plane. I think I saw a bunch
of "lost souls". It was very much like Leadbeater described
it - dark, heavy, hard to control one's movements. The
silhouettes were like zombies; no self-consciousness, they
just marched like a herd."
(Another typical lower suplane experience.)
"...Drifted off to sleep again, imagining I was in the living room
downstairs. In the next instant, I was downstairs! I was floating
by the ceiling in the living room. It was dark, like nighttime.
This time I could move, but it was very difficult. I pulled myself
to the floor. I looked at the front door. The dimensions of the
room were distorted and enlarged. The door looked far away, like
in a telescope. I walked toward the door with great difficulty.
I felt a small sense of triumph when I finally reached the door.
I opened the door and walked out onto the porch. My movement
became a little easier. I looked outside to the street. It seemed
to be just before dawn. In the street, I saw two figures running
carrying something looking like sacks over their shoulders. They
seemed to be wearing what looked like long underwear. They were
hunched over as they ran. I don't know what they were, though
they were humanoid. My first impression is that they were thieves
running from the scene of the crime.
But the way they moved, all hunched and distorted made me
think that they might be demons or some lowly astral creatures.
At any rate, they disappeared across the street. They didn't
notice me at all. I wanted to follow them but I knew I couldn't
move as fast as they were. Then I flew out through the porch
window around to the side of the house. Once outside, everything
seemed really dark and murky, and distorted. I realized I was on
the lowest astral plane and got scared. I wanted to leave and
felt myself back in my body..."
(This entry illustrates some of the denizens of the
lower subplanes, a topic to which we will return.)
Was in one of those scary brown heavy regions.
Thought I had woke up. Was laying in bed and I heard soft
but threatening hissing voices. It made me scared. Had my back
to the voices but it sounded like they were getting closer.
Realized I was in the nasty etheric levels and tried to wake
myself up. It backfired and I went into a higher dream level
for a moment but lost lucidity and had a false awakening. Thought
I had woke onto the physical but actually was in some dream
facsimile of my room at Dad's. Saw a clear blue sky through
crack in the curtains and it made me feel great; couldn't believe
I let those stupid etheric ghouls get to me. Went back to sleep
Next I knew I was in the etheric again and heard the voices.
This time I was irked and determined to confront them. I got up,
with difficulty and said, also with much difficulty, "Whoever you
are, come out and face me, I demand it!" Looking forward with it
still appearing that I was in my Dads (actually it didn't feel
like Dads in the episode, more like my own place but very
comfortable), my brown curtains seemed to marshmallow out and it
seemed this pack of strange humanoid creatures stepped through.
My vision was very bad and I was having a difficult lockmold but
I thought I saw about four of em. They had on long dingy robes
and had strange distorted features. It seemed like they were
yelling at me or something. I lashed out at them and stepped
into them best I could. They seemed to disappear into the other
Fell back asleep more happy than before. Mold was terrible
the whole time, everything had a brown cast to it. I could barely
move or speak. As I was falling off to sleep, kept thinking about
how Leadbeater says that the initiate has a hard time moving on
the lower planes. Boy he was right."
(This is an example of using the "flying through
the ceiling trick to get out of a lower subplane.)
" I struggled to get out. I flopped out of my body and
rolled onto the floor. My vision was blinking but I quickly
realized where I was at and thought, "Shit! I gotta get outta
here!" I saw I was on the lowest astral plane. I felt that
dark, heavy uncomfortable feeling. Everything was in greys
and browns. And worst of all, there were ghoulies all over
my bedroom! They were broken and twisted bodies, moving about
in their lethargic fashion. At least I didn't get frightened
this time. I stayed level headed. My first thought was to wake
myself up, but then I thought, "no, I'll just go to a higher
plane." So I flew upwards through the ceiling, passed through
the ceiling and came up through my floor. I did this a second
time. Now there was sun shinning through my window and the
ghoulies were gone, and everything was in normal colors. I was
quite pleased with myself.
I flew through the ceiling, this time going outside the
house. It was sunny and beautiful outside..."
ii. The Middle Realms
The middle planes are very much like our physical world.
Here you will find houses, schools, cities and buildings,
forests and rivers and pretty much all the things you
find on the physical plane. Remember though, we are NOT on
the physical plane. These middle regions have a very ethereal
feel to them compared to the physical plane.
One place you will often go in these middle subplanes
is the room you are in when you project. In my case, this is
always my bedroom. That fact that you will project into your
bedroom will afford you many opportunities to compare what
your bedroom is like in your projection to what it is like on
the physical plane. When you study these differences, you will
quickly realize that, when you project, you are NOT in the
physical world. So, if you do find yourself projecting into the
room that you are in, I highly encourage you to study the details
of your astral bedroom and, as soon as you wake up, pay close
attention to how what you saw in your projection was similar to
or different from how your room is on the physical plane. I will
give an example of this below.
One of the most interesting aspects of the middle subplanes
is that many authors claim that in this region you will find
discarnate people. In other words, these middle regions are
where so-called "dead" people dwell, at least for a certain amount
of time after their passing away. Thus, what you can find on these
regions are places specifically designed for the recently dead.
Such places take the form of hospitals or dormitories. Robert
Monroe clearly describes such places. Monroe calls these "Rehab
Centers", and I have visited them (or happened across them as the
case may be) on many occasions. "Rehab Centers" exists in the
astral world supposedly to provide a safe and confortable environment
for the recently deceased, to allow them to get used to their new
surroundings and new condition. As a matter of fact, entry number
6, in file 8, where I describe being dragged by the wind force,
is a description of one of these "Rehab Centers". In this case
it was for younger people; older teenagers and people
in their early and mid twenties. I will put another such
description below. And, if I was ever skeptical of the idea
of these "Rehab Centers", this sceptism was laid
to rest when I actually MET a deceased friend of mine in one of
my projections. I will describe this encounter later when I
discuss interacting with the people you meet in your
In general, you will find that the majority of your OOBEs
occur in the middle regions of the subplanes. I recommend that
you explore these regions carefully. Observe the construction of
the buildings and houses. Feel free to go into strange houses
and just look around. You will actually observe many interesting
things that are much different from the physical plane. For
example, I was once in a shopping mall in one of my projections, and
it seemed to go on and on forever. There was no exit that I
could find. I had a similar experience in a school once.
Also, you will find many people here to talk to and communicate
with. In a later section I will give suggestions for interacting with
the people you meet in your projections. Here we are mainly interested
in conveying some idea of what the middle regions of the subplanes
are like. Let me now present a few of my journal entries of
projections occurring on these middle subplanes which illustrate
what is discussed above.
(Here is an example of me projecting into my
backyard and then waking up immediately and
comparing my astral backyard to my physical
"...I could feel myself laying on my bed in my physbod. Wanted
to leave again. Began to relax and concentrated on staying
dream-awake. Felt myself fall back into it. I jumped out and was
in my bedroom. Turned and looked at my curtains. I tried to pass
through them but couldn't. So I flew out my window - through
the screen. I noticed that I was naked so I thought myself into
some shorts. I flew out into the backyard, landed and sat on the
grass. I wanted to fly off and explore but I thought that I
should just sit there and observe details. I sat there and looked
around trying to figure out how this environment was different
from the one on the physical. Things looked normal. It looked
like my backyard. The house next door looked like my neighbor's
house. I even saw some of my neighbors in their yard down the
[ Right now I'm awake on the physical and I just went
outside and sat in the same spot I did in my projection to
compare the two scenes, and there were many noticeable
differences. First, where I saw my neighbors, there was no one
there. I could not even see the house from where I was sitting
in the backyard on the physical, the perspective was a lot broader
in the projection. Second, in the projection, our backyard
appeared much bigger and more open than it really is. Things
seemed to be located in the same relative positions though.
Third, the whole back yard was neater or tidier in the projection,
and also "lighter". Just now when I was outside in the physical,
the backyard had a "heavy", lush feeling that wasn't present in
the projection. The grass needs to be cut in the physical but was
short and neat in the projection. ]
As I was sitting in my projection in the backyard the most
unusual thing I noticed was that I could "see" the air. I've never
seen anything like this on the physical. The air around me was
moving like transparent sheets wrapping around and around one another.
Also, these "sheets" were made of what looked like a fine mist of
this white particulate matter that seemed to be graded from higher
concentration to lower. The effect was something like when you see
sunlight shinning through a fine mist of water. I only got to
observe this effect for a moment because after I noticed it, my
lockmold started to slip and I began to fade out. This "air
effect" was the most significant thing I saw when I was actually
sitting there in my projection. I was very fascinated while I
was looking at it. Obviously, no such thing existed on the
(continued in File 10)